20 Basic Job Interview Etiquette Tips to Help You Get the Job

Amazing! You are selected for the interview. Now is the time to prepare for the real challenge of getting that job. ‘First impression is the last impression’ is the correct expression for taking and giving interviews. You are judged not just for your knowledge but also for the way you present yourself, the manner of your being, and your communication skills.

Here are the most basic job interview etiquette tips to help you get the job

Some people study hard about their job profile and don’t leave even a single question unanswered during their interview. However, not every such person grabs the job. The reason behind it is their manners before, during, and after they are done with their interview. So, let’s see what are the interview etiquette that must be followed to succeed.

  1. Punctuality: One of the most basic but extremely important job interview etiquette is to arrive not just on time but a little early at the location. Always arrive at least 15 -30 minutes before your interview time. Keeping this buffer time gives you space to calm down. Because appearing for an interview without getting nervous is out of the question. It also creates a good impression and makes people realize that you are serious about the job.
  1. Formal Attire: Do some research and get to know the culture of the organization. It will help you decide what kind of protocol they follow as far as the dressing is concerned. For your first interview, play safe and wear something formal only. It doesn’t need to be a 3-piece suit, but something that showcases your sincerity.
  1. Politeness: Always be polite while answering or asking anything while you wait for your chance or during the interview. Basic interview etiquette is when you respect everyone around you irrespective of whether them being the CEO, a manager, or a peon.
  1. Body Language: It is a fact that our body communicates a lot even before we utter a single word. Even if you are nervous, practice heavy breathing to calm yourself down. Walk straight and sit straight. Don’t make any gestures or movements with your hands while waiting for the interview. Keep calm and be confident.
  1. Research about the Company: It is obvious that you will prepare the job profile you have applied for.  In addition to that, you must be aware of what your company does. Do at least basic research about the products and services that the company deals with, the names of the heads, and other information related to your job description.
  1. Keep your Phone on Silent: One of the crucial interview etiquette for students is to never have your phone ringing during your interview. It distracts the conversation and it certainly gives a bad impression to the interviewer about you taking things casually.
  1. Speak your Truth: One of the basic job interview etiquette tips is to never lie to the interviewer.  There can be moments when you do not know the answer even when you have understood the question and run it in your mind. Just be polite and say you do not know about it and will find its answer after the interview.
  1. Listen and Engage: When you listen to the interviewer properly, there’s a fair chance that you will have something to answer or add to their statement. Engaging with the person sitting in front of you makes them believe that you are an active listener and understand everything.
  1. Clear Speech: One of the significant job interview etiquette is to respond with clarity. Even if you are nervous, when you know the answer take a few minutes and make the sentence in your mind before speaking. It will help you know what exactly you want to say and you will by default speak clearly without any hesitation or fumble. 
  1. Know your Resume: The first few questions during your job interview will be asked from your CV and what you have mentioned in it. You must have a justification for each and everything you have written on that resume so that the interviewer knows that you are authentic.
  1. Be Patient: There could be times when you do not agree with the point the interviewer is making or you want to add something important to their statement. During such moments let them complete their sentence. You mustn’t cut them while they are speaking. Let them pause and then you begin sharing your opinion.
  1. Honesty: One of the basic job interview etiquette tips is to be honest with the interviewer. Be it your location preferences, your experience, your resume, or your study. If you come across a moment where you have lied and they caught you, just be honest. Don’t try to justify your wrongdoing by any means. 
  1. Ask Questions: A part of any job interview is to have questions about the job profile and the organization for which you are willing to work. You must prepare some questions in your mind while preparing for the interview and ask them when the moment feels correct. Make simple questions that show you have researched about the work and the company.
  1. Build a Strong Introduction: You must be able to know and share significant details with your interviewer. One of the basic job interview etiquettes has to be to ace when they ask the vital question ‘tell me about yourself’. You must include your education, some relevant hobbies, where you live, past work experiences, etc.
  1. Learn Online Platforms: A wide range of companies prefer to take a couple of online interviews on Google Meet, zoom, or Microsoft Teams. If you are not familiar with how such platforms work then you must learn everything before appearing for the interview so that you don’t panic during it.
  1. Maintain Eye Contact: Many candidates lose a well-paying and interesting job just because they appear to be not confident enough to answer the interview while looking at them. NEVER shy away or look somewhere else while talking to the interviewer. If you are very nervous during a job interview, then you look at the forehead of the person which will appear as if you are creating eye contact.
  1.  Always Follow-up: After you are done with your interview and then take a breather for a couple of days and if you do not get any response, drop a follow-up mail or a message thanking them for the opportunity and ask them about the further process. One of the basic interview tips is to get a clear closure about the result of that interview. However, if nobody answers after your first follow up do not bother to contact them again.
  1.  Stay Professional: There are times when your interview doesn’t go the way you wanted it to or it goes a lot better than you expected. Act professionally in either of the situations. Understand that it’s just an interview and you are yet to receive the final call. 
  1. Limit Sharing Personal Information: Many times when a candidate is nervous, they tend to disclose too much about their private life and family. Most interviewers ask questions about the family Which must be handled by providing precise information so that more discussion happens about the job.
  1. Keep that Smile On: Your face is the first thing about you that anyone notices. So present yourself as a calm and happy person. Even if you are nervous, don’t let it show on your face. Keep in mind that it is just an interview and be positive about your approach during any situation.


There are a lot of things that come under basic job interview etiquette tips, however, the points that are mentioned must be kept in mind and candidates going for any interview should prepare accordingly.

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